Repair Guru Services

How to Install Air Conditioning

How to install an air conditioning unit perfectly How to install an air conditioning unit properly is very important factor. If installation is perfect then it will look beautiful. Before going to install an air conditioning you should first prepare the equipment needed. What equipment do you need to prepare before the installing the air… Continue reading How to Install Air Conditioning

How to Repair Air conditioning only comes out of wind

How to repair air conditioning when there is no cooling or less cooling How to repair air conditioning if it not cooling properly. As we all know that air conditioning is one of the important household electronics to cool the room. In its use various problems often occur that cause the air conditioning machine to… Continue reading How to Repair Air conditioning only comes out of wind

AC Repair-How to Overcome Noisy Air Conditioning

How to overcome noisy air conditioning- AC Repair AC Repair-There are many faults posiibel in an air conditioner during its working. If you offer ac repair services. Then very first you should trace the fault and its cause. How to overcome noisy air conditioning before going ahead we have to know the cause of noise… Continue reading AC Repair-How to Overcome Noisy Air Conditioning